2017 had its ups and downs. It was one fucking rollercoaster of a year! And at the end of the year, I had a hard time saying it was a “good” year. There was a lot of good, but also a lot of tragedy. But here's to making 2018 kickass and full of hope! Or at the very least, take the rolls and punches and kick that bitch in her face! Yasss…you got this.
2017 Highlights
1. I'm still here motherfuckers! For real, though. This year, I put my health and fitness a bit more to the forefront. And now I that I made some gainssss, I have to kick my ass into gear even more.
2. I didn't get to travel as much as I would have liked to his year. But, I got to take some badass trips to Oregon and Colorado with some of my favorite humans.
3. Even though horrible things happened, it helped bring people together. I had the opportunity to meet and befriend some wonderful people this year, and even if some of those friendships were cut short, I will always deeply cherish them.
2017 Low Points
1. Too many beautiful and wonderful people died this year thanks to senseless violence and tragic accidents. Romero Parr was shockingly taken away from us. In the last six months, he became my closest friend and confidant. Heaven is lucky to have you Mero.
2. That bag of dicks we call our president. No need to say more.
Be fucking awesome and grateful and kind. All the other shit doesn't matter at the end of the day. From where I stand, money, fame, careers…it's all bullshit. You can be badass and happy without having any of that shit.
1. Be a better you then you were yesterday, last month, last year. We have so much to be grateful for, but we often get tied up in the bullshit.
For me, it helps to make a list of the things that I am grateful for. It's something I try to do every day. However small, writing out what you're grateful for today can really have an impact on your positivity. The more grateful you are, the more awesome you are.
Not everyone’s ideals are going to line up. The thing that makes me awesome isn't going to be the same thing that makes you awesome. Consciously working on being better, stronger, kinder, and most importantly, more badass than yesterday is all that matters.
2. Don't be afraid to ask for help or support. We all need to lean on others at some point. I know that I certainly have, with all the emotional turmoil life has been throwing my way as of late.
Be kind and forgiving, but also don't feel the need to hold on to toxic people or relationships just because society, friends, or family tells you that you should. You are responsible for your own happiness. The more amazing and beautiful people you surround yourself with, the easier it will be to achieve your goals - whatever they may be.
Reach out to old friends, make new friends, tell people how much you care about them and appreciate that they're in your life. You'll never know when your time or anyone else's will be cut short!
I wish I could turn back time. Mero was my best friend. I remember the silly arguments and the good times. I wish I could have told him how much he meant to me and how thankful I was that he always had my back and had an ear to listen to me. Don't take that shit or anyone for granted. Tell someone you love them today. It will not only make ya feel good, but it's sure to give someone else the warm and fuzzies, too. Making people feel good makes you feel good. Don't ya forget it. Ya heard.
3. Work on your goals and try to expand your world daily. Don't be afraid of being wrong or being afraid of failure. Without failing and putting yourself out there, you will have less chances to succeed. In my opinion, failure is just one step on your journey to fucking killing it.
So, what do I mean by expand your world? Simple. Learn something. Go on an adventure. Travel to a new city or a new country. Find a new hobby. Volunteer in your community. Adopt a pet.
The more that you expand your horizons and try new things, the more that you will learn about yourself and the world. And that will just up your daily ante of “crushing it.”
Yeah, you - the person whose traveled around the world, and learned a language doing so. Pssh so lame, said no one ever! Get out of your comfort zone and expand your mind!
So, at the end of the day, I want to make 2018 the best year ever! Be unequivocally you. Cultivate happiness through kindness, friendships, and trying new things. Take the hits in- stride, and be grateful that you are here. We are alive. Make the best of every moment. We never know how long we have. So, let’s kick 2018’s ass! We got this.